Senin, 18 Januari 2010


So the habit of last year's 365 day work out goal has stuck with me. So far this year, I have worked out everyday but Sundays. It's my sabbath day and I am going to rest! Keeping with the "Can't miss a day" is really motivating for me. It's amazing to have a workout goal stick for a change. I am indeed grateful!

One week down with the push-up challenge and I'm feeling good. I feel hopeful and strong. The thought of busting out 100 push-ups in a row still seems like crazy thoughts, but I am up for the challenge. 5 more weeks to go!

As for eating, the holidays found a few bothersome habits, namely, sugar. It takes me several days of determination to get that stuff out of my system so it no longer bothers me, and I haven't had the chance to really focus on that. So I am going to give up sugar entirely for awhile. Can't promise that tomorrow will be the first day of sugar abstinence, but it's coming soon.

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