Rabu, 10 Februari 2010

Exercise Can Lower Bowel Cancer Risk

Did you know that people who exercise are 24% less likely to develop bowel cancer than those who don't? The protective effect of exercise holds for all types of physical activity, including recreational exercise (such as walking, jogging, bike riding or swimming) and job-related physical activity (such as walking, lifting or digging).

In Australia, 1 in 10 males and 1 in 15 females have been diagnosed with bowel cancer by the age of 85, with the risk increasing sharply by age 45. Bowel cancer now accounts for 10% of all deaths from invasive cancers and is now the second most common cause of cancer-related death after lung cancer.

Are you at risk of developing bowel cancer? Take a risk rating quiz. To find out how much exercise you should be doing, see our article Exercise for Weight Loss and Maintenance. If you need some tips to get you started, see our article Find Your Motivation to Exercise.

Wolin et al. 2009, 'Physical activity and colon cancer prevention: a meta-analysis' British Journal of Cancer

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