Rabu, 03 Maret 2010


Elliptical Trainer: 30 minutes @ level 10

YES!  I am feeling like I am getting back into focus!!  What a great feeling!!  It's virtually impossible to create lasting change in your life if you lack the focus.  I think it's one of the biggest reasons we stop working towards our goals in the first place.  

So what does it take to keep the focus?  
A plan that will work for you. 

What kind of plan works for you?  
One that not only fits into your particular lifestyle, but that is also exciting for you to do.

If you create the "perfect" plan for yourself, and it becomes boring, you need to make a new plan because you aren't going to stick with it if you don't.  Make a plan that is also adjustable, because life changes, seasons change.  

It took me decades to finally get it.  For years I would make goals, barely getting started and then something would come up and I would stop.  Time after time this happened until I got to a point where I didn't make goals anymore.  I would shy away from any and all goals and felt that goal setting just wasn't for me.  "Goals are great, and they work for others, just not for me."  Ever think that?  

Now, I know that the plan you start with, isn't necessarily the plan you stick with until the end.   You have to adjust it depending on your life circumstances.  If you do this, nothing will stop you from achieving your goal, no matter what it is.

My current plan:

Push-ups 3X/Week - using 100 push-up app on iPhone.  (This makes it so much fun to do-but you can also use the site if you don't have one)

Daily workout on an Elliptical Trainer - I used to think that TV was a great thing to occupy my brain while exercising, and it used to be.  But now, it's all about a great book!  

The book I am currently re-reading is Bran Hambric: The Farfield Curse by Kaleb Nation.  (I sometimes find that when I read a book super fast the first time, I miss a lot of the minor details.  Going back and re-reading, especially if it's been awhile since the first read, makes the book even better the second time around because you find all those details you missed---making the workout go even faster.  Harry Potter is next unless I find a really good book to gobble...)  With reading, I up the resistance and go a little slower but stay on a little longer and I end up with a great cardio workout with a muscle toning op.

I also plan on adding the Kettle Bell again once I adjust to what I am doing.  Summer is coming and I want to get that "after" picture before looking for a suit.  

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