Kamis, 04 Maret 2010


Elliptical Trainer: 30 minutes @ level 10
100 Push-up workout: Week 1 Day 2 (50 push-ups)

With a positive attitude, you can accomplish ANYTHING in life.  With a positive attitude, all things are made possible and nothing can get in your way because when something does cross your path, your attitude will help you to simply walk around it.  

How do you create a positive attitude?  You make the decision to be positive.  It's that simple, trust me.  If you go into the worst of situations with the attitude that you are going to 1. get through it 2. find whatever shred of positivity that lies within that situation and 3. keep trying until you find that positive, you will come out of the situation with some experience and the proof that you can get through anything.  The more often you do this, the easier it gets until being positive is second nature.

When it comes to creating a healthy lifestyle, you have to be positive.  We live at a time where a healthy lifestyle isn't going to find us unless we work at it and hunt it down.  Health doesn't accidently find us, neither does illness.  If we go into our journey with an attitude that is positive, we will be more forgiving of ourselves and we will continue to press forward even when it gets difficult. Life is always easier with a positive attitude.

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