Minggu, 14 Maret 2010

Home from the Dash!

I started this post at noon and now it's 6:30pm. Before I finished it I went on a crazy house-cleaning, throw-away-every-piece-of crap-we-own rampage. It's like I was on speed or something (only once in college and never again).

I hate crowds and decided this year I was going to skip the Seattle St. Paddy's Day Dash. Then a friend of mine, a 30-year old marathon runner, had purchased her bib and timing chip for the Dash. At the last minute she decided to go snowboarding instead so she gave me her bib and chip (a $30 value).

I convinced my husband to go with me and we'd walk it because he's not a runner, and since my knee popped out a couple years ago while I was on the treadmill, I gave up running. He agreed to walk with me, and I purchased him a yellow bib (the slowest wave and last to leave from the starting line, we're talking baby strollers and wheelchairs).

After horrendous traffic like you can't imagine (15,200 runners/walkers participated) and impossible parking, we were 15 minutes late to the start. We were literally the last people to cross the start start line at 9:15am (start time for yellows was 9am). While we were driving in the traffic, both our tempers flared and I think I said "I hate you" at one point. Yeah, fun times.

Once we got to the starting line, I don't know what came over me, but I decided to try running it. Or at least run/jog/walk it. Part of it was because I was wearing Cindy's bib...it was green. Green is for the first wave, the hardcore runners that are actually racing. They have a timed chip that starts when you cross the start line and ends at the finish line. Every time I passed a green bibbed person, I had a feeling of accomplishment.

Or perhaps my decision to run was because I was so annoyed with my husband. I just needed to get away from him for an hour or so. Whatever it was that pushed me to attempt running, I'm glad it did because I gave it my best shot and it felt great.

About five minutes into the race I realized I was dressed too warm even though it was only 41 degrees. I had to stop and take off my bib, take off my fanny pack, take off my sweater and tie it around my waist, pin the bib to my t-shirt, put my fanny pack back on, then take off again. I think this cost me at least two minutes.

Here are my results and the route was 3.7 miles, and had some good hills in it. I also burned 623 calories according to my heart rate monitor. Not too shabby for a 47 minute workout. Did I mention the hills? :)

bib number: 202
age: 30 <--------my friend's age, I'm 54
gender: F
location: Seattle, WA
overall place: 6812 out of 7824
division place: 668 out of 814
gender place: 3431 out of 4319
time: 48:58
pace: 13:14

It's probably closer to 47 minutes because of the shirt fiasco after crossing the start line. It's not fabulous results, but not too shabby for a fat, fifty-four year old with bad knees.

I'm psyched right now. I've been totally on plan for three days, eight hours of sleep each night (I'm a new woman!) and lots of water and tea. I've even been to Starbucks twice in two days and ordered a grande green tea both times. Zero Points! No skinny lattes for me anymore. Two Points is too much to waste on a beverage. I feel totally back in control.

By the way, my absolute favorite tea is TAZO Zen green tea. It's what you get at Starbucks when you order green tea. It's wonderful tea and of course, zero Points. It's sort of hard to find in the stores around here, but I finally found it at Metropolitan Market in Seattle.

Now for pictures of the day. Unfortunately there's not a single one of me. I tried to take a couple shots of myself but they came out horrible. Here are all the other crazies....

This doll creeped me out. He looked lik that Chuckie in the movies. Scary. He was sitting in DeLoean car.

Daffodils everywhere.

The fountain by the Space Needle

Standing looking at all the people after I crossed the finish line. I passed all these people (okay, I was gloating big time here).

More people that were behind me and I passed.

More peeps (that I passed!).

Space Needle next to the finish line.

Cupcakes at Starbucks that looked yummy. I looked it up later and one of these cupcakes is 8 Points and they're tiny! Totally not worth it! I didn't really want one anyway and ordered my plain Tzao green tea.

More people, and I was still amazed I had passed all these people. :)

A pretty tree at Seattle center...I love these trees.

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