Sabtu, 20 Maret 2010

The little train that could

I managed to get showered, dressed and drive to my Weight Watchers 11 a.m. meeting today. Even though I still feel stuffed up with a runny nose I wanted to see the results of a week of really trying to stay on plan.

I'm one of the unfortunates that when I'm sick I'm more hungry than when I'm not sick. Instead of my usual, "poor me, I'm sick, eat whatever I want" attitude". . I really worked on re-wiring my head this past week (thanks Roxie!). I decided just because I didn't feel good, it didn't mean I had to eat whatever and whenever I wanted.

I tried to eat mostly filling foods (the green diamond foods) and cut out as much processed food as possible. For example, no Weight Watchers junk cream bars, since it seems it's impossible for me to eat just one of any of their products (more on this later).

I also ate every three hours and really tried to make every snack a "complete" snack of a protein and a carb. The snacks are never over two Points. Something small, just to take the edge off the hunger.

The other thing I did this week that I haven't done in months is that I allowed myself to feel a little hungry. Not the starving to death hunger, but a little bit hungry. I have to accept that it's normal to get hungry between meals. It's not a bad thing, in fact, it means my body is probably digging into its stored fat for energy. It won't kill me to have a few hunger pains. I just need to accept it as part of life.

I'm pretty happy about this week's results. It just proves that I still know how to do this, I know what it takes to get to where I want to go. A few tweaks here and there and I'm back on track.

My husband reminded me today that we're going to Denver the first part of May for our niece's graduation from college. She completed her Master's in five years which is cause for celebration. All of my husband's family will be there so I really need to get back down below 160 by May 8. As the little train that could said...I think I can, I think I can...

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