Senin, 01 Maret 2010

Sometimes I'm a total dork

The headache cure
As I was gulping my extra strong black coffee at 5am before I tore out the door for the gym today, I figured it out. Headaches. Saturdays.

I've gone to my Weight Watcher 11am meeting three Saturdays in a row. I drink very little before the meeting, and I never drink coffee! Maybe some water, but never coffee. I've been getting a headache every Saturday.

The headaches are caffeine withdrawal, not a brain tumor like I thought. I've quit coffee many times in my life so I should have known.

In my defense, the headaches were exceptionally bad. As I age things seem to hit me harder. Colds are worse, the flu almost killed me last year (three times!), and apparently caffeine withdrawal symptoms are more intense. The joys of getting older.

The exercise
I've decided to change things up a bit and have two cardio-only days, and four cardio/strength days, and always one day of rest a week.

Today was a cardio-only day. I completed a warmup of 10 minutes on the treadmill, jogging 4 -5 mph intervals. Then 35 minutes on the cross ramp where I kicked my own butt. Lastly, 20 minutes on the stationary bike where I really have to work to keep my heart rate up around 135. I was a hot, wet and oh so not sexy mess when I was done. My shirt was completely drenched (and completely gross). My bangs were literally dripping.

So when my coworker asked me to walk with her at lunch, I was thinking more of a get some fresh air kind of stroll. When we started off I could barely keep up with her, until finally she said, "Do you always walk this FAST?!!!" Cracked me up since I thought she was setting the pace and she thought I was setting the pace. We'd only been walking ten minutes and I could barely breathe because we were going to fast.

We slowed down a little, but it was 3.5 miles, the first half all down hill and then the return, all up a very steep hill. It wasn't a leisurely stroll, but a tough workout. My glutes are in agony tonight. Even sitting hurts.

My food
I'm still struggling with late night eating, but it's not as bad as a few weeks ago. I seem to have a semblance of self-control. I eat, but usually not a lot and never anything that would be considered unhealthy, but I'm still eating too much.

I've been tracking most days, even though sometimes I'm over my points (and I eat all my activity Points and all my weeklies). The only thing saving me are my activity Points. I earned 12 today with two hours of cardio.

Logging my weight
This is strange and a little sad. I haven't entered my weight into my Statistics page since November 16, 2009. In three and half months I've lost one pound.  Note my big gain from 9/5 to 11/16, when I was traveling non-stop for work. I gained 17.6 pounds in about two months and I still haven't lost it. I really need to get serious.

Picture of the day

 Des Moines Creek Trail, Des Moines, WA
An overcast, typical Northwest day, and a typical
moss covered tree (kind of creepy looking).

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