Sabtu, 10 April 2010

Can You Lose Weight Without Exercise?

Wouldn't it be great if all you needed to do to lose weight was watch what you eat. No gyms, no perspiration or hard work... If you've heard people claim to have lost weight without exercise, you may be wondering if it's possible.

You Can't Maintain Weight Loss Without Exercise

Sure, you can shed kilos through calorie restriction alone, but the truth is that you can't maintain weight loss without exercise. Without exercise you will lose more water and muscle tissue than body fat. Losing muscle and water may look great on the scales, but it slows your metabolism and makes it easier for you to regain weight.

Exercise improves your body composition, meaning that you will have a larger proportion of metabolically active muscle tissue. And when your metabolic rate increases it's easier for you to lose weight and maintain your weight loss.

Additional Benefits of Exercise

Exercise is not just about weight loss. The health benefits of exercise include:
  • Reduced levels of body fat, especially abdominal fat
  • Increased metabolic rate
  • Lower blood pressure
  • Higher levels of HDL (good) cholesterol which protects your arteries
  • Lower levels of LDL (bad) cholesterol which clogs your arteries
  • Lower risk of developing diabetes
  • Improved muscle strength
  • Improved bone density, reducing the risk of osteoporosis
  • Increased energy levels and improved fitness
  • Sleep regulation
  • Improved mood and fewer symptoms of depression.

How to Start an Exercise Program

Don't feel overwhelmed by the prospect of starting an exercise program: something is better than nothing. You don't need to start running marathons to lose weight: in fact a more moderate, comfortable exercise regime will be more manageable in the long term. Daily walking is a great habit, particularly with a friend to share the time. To burn fat, aim for a pace where you breathing rate is elevated but you can still talk.

For more tips on how to exercise for weight loss, see our articles on Exercise for Weight Loss and Maintenance and Finding Your Motivation to Exercise.

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