Jumat, 23 April 2010

Day 12/365 Illness

The family has been sick so I spent most of the day doing what moms do when their family is sick.  I also had a chance to start a new book that really make the time fly while on the elliptical.  It's called MAZE RUNNER by James Dashner. 

So far it seems like a guys version of Hunger Games.  Lots of questions, a fight for survival, suffering, death, teenagers and certainly a page turner because the book keeps you wondering what is going on.

A little food for thought here.  I also got the virus that attacked my family.  The others in the family that came down sick, were very sick.  Me on the other hand, only got a touch of it.  I contribute this to the fact that I am working out everyday.  I have noticed that when I regularly workout, my immune system is stronger.  This is another motivation to create a regular routine.

This is what I did today:
Elliptical: 30 min @ level 10 
Hundred Push-up Challenge: Week 2 Day 3 (81 push-ups)

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