Minggu, 04 April 2010

Hitting the wagon hard on Monday

Easter is over and if I look at another chocolate anything, I am going to die.  I think it's safe to say that my virus is entirely dead and I am ready to get back into a routine.  

It's amazing how quickly your body goes down hill when you stop exercising.  Mind you, I was sick for the most part of my break, but still.  I am a bit more flabby than before, my clothes aren't fitting the same, and my joints are feeling a wee bit, elderly.  Y-U-C-K!!  

Last year I got very close to a shape I wanted.  I was happy to be where I was, but I needed to do better.  My initial thoughts were accurate.  Although I was happy where I was health and shape wise, I was too close to being where I wouldn't want to be.  Some setbacks, a couple of virus' and I find myself in a dark place again.  Don't get me wrong, the same clothes still fit,they just feel and fit....differently.   

So here I am on the eve of getting back on the wagon.  I pray that this isn't the same, old, stupid cycle so many find themselves in where you end up blogging the same feelings in a few weeks.  I have faith and I am ticked.  (Never underestimate the power of being ticked)  It can be a strong motivator and if harnessed properly, it's enough to get you out of a rut.

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