Kamis, 01 April 2010

My, that wagon is high...

It always dumbfounds me how we get into cycles in our lives.  All the different habits we have.  Some habits we just have and are indeed habits.  Other habits are newly founded and short lived.  Why do some stick and others so easily disappear?  When I was working out daily during the 365 day challenge I gave myself, it was such a habit I couldn't believe ever breaking it.  But the new year came, I soften up on my routine and the first virus I get wipes me out.  Please don't think I am complaining, I am not.  I am just in awe about how I find myself making excuses. I thought I was over that. Even tonight I find myself thinking that Monday would be a great day to get back on the wagon. Seriously?  I am using the "Wait until Monday" thinking? Just goes to show you that you can never be complacent. 

I am so very grateful for my earlier posts last year.  They are a great kick in the butt for me.  My blog is serving it's purpose, to remind and motivate me.  :o)

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