Sabtu, 17 April 2010

Saturday - Feeling in Charge

So it's been 6 days in a row that I have worked out.  Week 1 is completed on the push-up challenge.  This has been a good week and I feel like I am in control of things again.

When having a hard time with my weight, I can tell that I am, not just by the obvious signs of the scale, but by how I feel.  It's harder to pass buy the things I really shouldn't eat and hard to get the things I should.  Often times, out of frustration I may even eat more just so I can do better the next day.  What has recently been the saboteur for me is thinking, "If I can just get rid of it today, I can have a better day tomorrow."  So I find myself eating "one more bit of ice cream" or "another half of cookie."  I can safely say my eating habits hadn't returned to what they were, but they had gotten to a point that I would have slowly gained back every bit of weight I lost last year.

I am feeling like my head is back in the game.  That I am able to think before I eat.  Just taking that moment to really THINK about what you are doing before you do it can make the difference between feeling on top of eating, or feeling consumed by it.  It really is that simple, although sometimes it doesn't feel that way.  You have to have faith in yourself and know that you can do it if you choose to do it.  Really CHOOSE to do it, not just passively agree to do it.  That's not a strong enough conviction, and without real conviction, you can't permanently make change.

This is what I did today:
Elliptical: 30 min @ level 10 

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