Sabtu, 22 Mei 2010

A bad weighin but I deserved it

I gained 1.4 pounds this past week. My weighin was 164.0. A total loss of 75.2 in twenty-seven months. I've hit the 75-pounds lost milestone so many times, coming and going, that's it's meaningless now.

I'm still happy about the 75 pounds lost, but when am I going to lose the last 25 pounds? I should be there by now, at goal. Living my happy life.
I'm disappointed in myself. I didn't even try to stay on plan last week. The only thing I did right was exercise six days, an hour to an hour and a half each day. I didn't eat any junk or have any binges this past week, but I basically ate when I was hungry. It was healthy, nutritious food, no sugar, but I ate too much.

Unfortunately, I think it's my lot in life to be a little hungry a lot of the time. I can't eat every time I feel hungry, because I'm always a little hungry. It's just a fact of my life, and one I have to accept, hunger is and will be part of my life.

This week I'm going to try harder. The main thing I have to do is get back to tracking my Points (which I've done today!). I'm not sure why I quit, other than it's boring, and I sort of don't want to do it anymore. Really  it's not optional for me. I haven't figured out how to not count Points and lose weight.

Today at Weight Watchers our leader had each of us set a weight loss goal for five weeks from today. I wanted to make my goal ten pounds, but I know I can't consistently lose two pounds a week. Not at this point in the game. I've set my goal at eight pounds in five weeks, or 1.6 pounds per week. That would put me at 156 pounds by June 26. Sounds doable, right?

Great recipe
Tonight's dinner was Halibut with Balsamic Glaze. Very simple and easy and absolutely delicious. I love Alaskan halibut (wild caught of course). I didn't use honey in the recipe, but I substituted Agave instead, and only used one tablespoon. Since the marinade and glaze was just Balsamic vinegar and one tablespoon of Agave, I only counted the Points of the halibut (6 ounces cooked is 5 Points and so yummy).

Movie review:  Avatar
All I can say is that it wasn't nearly as horrible as I expected. In fact, I kind of enjoyed it. Definitely worth the $1.19 from Redbox. My first Redbox rental and so easy, since I'm horrible at ordering from Netflix (my husband is the Netflix pig) this is a nice alternative.

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