Sabtu, 01 Mei 2010

Day 19/365 Down 2 Pounds!

You read that correctly, 2 pounds gone!!  It's always so wonderful to see some progress when you are working towards something!!  Not only does the scale confirm this, but I can feel it too.  Everything fits better, I just feel stronger, places are firmer.

But I have to say, I DO NOT focus on the scale!  I can't focus on the scale, because you can't trust a scale!  If you put all your focus on the scale, YOU WILL BE DISAPPOINTED!  When you are disappointed, it's much more easy to stop doing the positive behaviors and to start finding the negative ones again.

I am a woman.  I collect water.  There are certain times in a month, where my body is going to hold onto water. The scale does not differentiate the difference between water and fat.  So if you only go by the scale to determine your success, you most always will be let down. 

For me, with this goal, the scale is only one way to measure progress, not the absolute way.  Working out and eating good every day is the goal, and I know if I stick with it, I will get to my ultimate goal: an AFTER picture. 

This is what I did today:
Elliptical: 15 min @ level 15
Hundred Push-up Challenge: Week 3 Day 3 (106 push-ups)

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