Selasa, 11 Mei 2010

Day 30/365 Happy days and a partial secret.

I have been really busy recently with a new project.  People who know me personally always say I have too many things on my plate.  This is true, I will not deny it, but I just have to keep busy. I just don't feel good when I am bored therefore I tend to over schedule myself.

So with every free moment, I am working on this project.  There are 4 people who know what I am doing and only 2 that know the details.  (If you pay attention to some of my posts lately, you may even be able to figure it out) *Challenge*

The house chores have gone to the wayside, it's every man/woman/child/baby for themselves these days. (I am not proud of this) But when I am focusing on something, I need to run with it and finish it so I can get back into our normal routine and then move onto something else.

I often joke that I have OCD, I've never been diagnosed with it, but if you google the symptoms, I have EVERY one of them.

OCD isn't a bad thing to have if you can learn to manage it to your advantage.  Over the years, I have learned to manage it so that I can be highly efficient.  With extreme focus, you can accomplish many things in a short period of time, which is a good thing when you have a gazillion things on your "to do" list a day.

I do have to confess that although I can be highly focused, I am still learning to balance that when I have a million distractions too.  I am can be easily distracted too. With 4 children and a homeschooling lifestyle, I get a lot of distractions in our day.  I am human.  I am learning.  I am adjusting.  

So, I thought I would share with you why I have been absent for a few days.  What's the new project you ask?  I will share it with the world when I know it's going to work.  I am breaking out of my familiar zone with this project and I am not ready to share.  If it doesn't end up working to may satisfaction, I don't want to look stupid.  As it is, I still think I am borderline crazy for attempting it, thus all the secrecy.  I am excited for trying something new, something that is challenging to me, but I am not willing to share until I am feeling a lot more confident about it.

Oh, there I go with being distracted again...I didn't expect to start my entry being about OCD or even my reason for not blogging.  The reason for making a post with the title "Happy Days!" is that I weighed myself today and I have OFFICIALLY lost all my holiday/post New Year flub!  YEA!!  I am exactly what I weighed last July, and I am thrilled to see what the next few months will bring!

What I did today:
Elliptical: 15 min @ level 15

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