Kamis, 20 Mei 2010

Day 39/365 Gardening Tip

 One of the best ways to improve your diet is to grow a garden.  If you have the space, I would highly recommend taking on such a project.  If you have limited space, learn how to do container gardening. I have seen amazing gardens growing in the littlest of places.  Limited space is never a reason not to garden.

We just expanded our garden and planted 1000 seeds!!!  We learned a very valuable trick when planting with seeds.  If you soak them overnight you greatly reduce the time it takes for them to germinate.

We had one type of seed that stated "14 days until germination."  We soaked them over night and they were sprouting 4 days after we planted.  It's a great tip and I highly recommend it!

This is what I did today:
Elliptical: 15 min @ level 15

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