Rabu, 19 Mei 2010

Lab results from the thyroid biopsy

No thyroid cancer! Woohoo!

I was pretty sure I didn't have thyroid cancer. Everything I read indicated it would be okay, 95% of these nodules are benign (but I had several), and if the thyroid is functioning properly (mine is fine) then there's even less chance of cancer.

When my doctor called today to give me the results I was a little nervous. Because I thought the technician that did my ultrasound that is deaf but sweet as can be, told me, or I thought she told me, that they would mail the results if it was good news and call me if it was bad news. So when I got the call I had a mini-panic attack and thought the call meant bad news.

It's all good and I guess I shall live a little longer. At least I don't have thyroid cancer which is definitely a good thing.

The only thing that concerns me now is seeing the endocrinologist. Since I have so many nodules on my thyroid there's some medication they want to give me to help stop them from growing and possibly shrink them. If they continue to grow they could become cancerous, or I could wind up with a big, ugly goiter on my neck (wouldn't that just suck?).

I've worked to hard to be off of any kind of medication, except my asthma meds (Advair), but I rarely even use it anymore. I've been off my blood pressure medicine for over a year. Oh well, I guess it's just part of life, getting older and things start going haywire. Even if I do have to take thyroid medication for the nodules it would be better than cancer or an ugly goiter growing out the side of my neck. Things could be worse.

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