Selasa, 01 Juni 2010

Day 51/365 A great new website I have found

The key to the weight loss journey is to enjoy the journey!!  By finding that balance in exercise and eating, you can get the body you want.  I promise.

If you deprive yourself, you are working against yourself, so I am always on the look out for a good website that has easy, healthy and tasty recipes to try. 

Recently, I have been introduced to the site Poor Girl Eats Well  She uses simple, real ingredients and has amazing photos that entice your salivary glands (my favorite part).  The great thing about these recipes? they are easy on the pocket book too!!

I highly recommend you checking out this site, I plan on making my weekly meal plan from it this upcoming week.  You should too!

What I did today:
Elliptical Trainer 15 minutes @ level 15

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