Selasa, 07 September 2010

Diana the grouch

I'm not in a happy place today. I worked 14 hours yesterday, 7:30 a.m. - 9:30 p.m. Numerous work problems that caused hours of frustration.

We were creating software builds with code written by several developers, including our own code. The code did not play nicely during the builds. My only saving grace was another coworker was there with me for most of it. He has a great sense of humor. So we laughed a lot. Of course we cursed a lot too. Something I don't usually do.

I never made it to the gym yesterday. I barely took bathroom breaks. I don't remember drinking any water, just coffee. My lunch was some homemade soup heated in the microwave and a peach.

Dinner when I got home at 10 p.m. was a Flatout pizza with mushrooms, onions, sundried tomatoes, turkey pepperoni, and 2% cheese which melts really weird. It's like it's dry when it melts. Still really delicious and fairly low Points. I didn't bother figuring it out, but I think it's around 8 Points for the whole thing.

It was a very, very long day.

I am very, very tired today.

After working so many hours I feel sort of numb. I already emailed my work that I'm taking off half of the day and working from home this afternoon.

I have a weird ringing in my ears. I can't figure out what's causing it. Just a humming sound from inside my head. It's very annoying, and it's interrupting my peace and quiet.

If I can get myself moving I'm going to the gym in a few minutes. Although a nap sounds better. A  nap at 9:30 a.m. After sleeping seven hours. I'm just so tired I want to crawl under a rock and stay there forever.

Do I sound kind of crazy today? I feel kind of crazy.

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