Jumat, 04 Februari 2011

35/365 - Workout Plan for the Year

When I started this year, I claimed that the best workout is the one you can stick with, and it's true! In order to achieve this, I made a goal that was easy to do and to pick a time and level that would be simple.  I decided I would start with 15 minutes at level 10.

After the first few workouts I realized that I shouldn't have started at a level 10. It's what I was doing before my little hiatus, but I fell out of shape quickly and level 10 straight out actually hurt.  Luckily, my body got used to the level after about a week, so I stuck with it.

Now that it's February, I increased the time by 5 minutes so the total time is now 20 minutes.  I will keep adding 5 minutes each month until I end up doing 30 minute workouts. I also plan on adding push-ups, a kettle bell and whatever else I can find to spice things up.

I know I have a pretty good habit formed, but I'm keeping with the simplicity idea so I can easily keep going.

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