I thought I was doing pretty good with the new Beef Soup recipe that included Brussel Sprouts I posted a few weeks ago. But I've found something better, Roasted Brussel Sprouts. I know, that doesn't sound too spectacular, but it is.
I first put them into the oven on faith. My mom had told me how wonderful they were when she made them. I believed her. When I put them into the oven, I had hoped I didn't just ruin a package of sprouts. (I originally bought them to make the soup)
While the little, green orbs were baking, I admit, the scent was a bit confusing. When my hubby walked into the kitchen, he took a whiff, and gave a look. I told him, "No opinions until after you try them." At that time, I hoped I didn't have to eat those words. Secretly, I agreed with him and was only sharing the same thoughts I was telling myself.
When I took them out, I wasn't impressed. They looked like burnt Brussel Sprouts. MMmmm...... *not*
After they cooled enough so I could taste without scalding myself, I gave one a try. To my surprise, it was one of the most delicious green things I have ever eaten!! I piled up a plateful and dug in. Hey, the family wasn't interested so I had my fill.
Then my oldest walks in and inspects the tray I had cooling on the oven. He says, "They looked burnt." I smiled. He goes in for a sniff and says, "These don't smell so good." He pokes one with his finger and licks it. He looks to me and asks if I liked them. I told him I thought they were really good. I assumed he'd walk away and be done. But he didn't. He grabbed a plate and served himself. While he was eating he told me, "Mom, if you ever make Brussel Sprouts again, you have to do them like this." WIN.
Just cut off the brown ends, wash, dry, and cut in half-lengthwise.
Toss well in olive oil on a cookie sheet.
Toss well in olive oil on a cookie sheet.
Spread to single layer and sprinkle with salt/pepper.
Bake at 375-400 for about 30 min. or until edges are browned and crispy.
Bake at 375-400 for about 30 min. or until edges are browned and crispy.
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