Sabtu, 16 Mei 2009

Are you kidding me? A 1 1/2 hour spinning class?

I didn't know what I was getting myself into this morning when I showed up for the 10:30 a.m. spinning class at my gym. I've done spinning classes before, they're hard but fun. A good way to really burn some calories. Since I had about four glasses of wine last night I was feeling a little out of sorts this morning and thought a good workout would get me going.

Oh my freak! As we neared the one hour mark I was thinking, well, thank God, I made it! A near death experience, but I'm almost done. 540 calories burned. Then I heard the instructor say, "Okay! We're at one hour, just 30 more minutes to go! Now pump it up!" WTF?! Thirty more minutes and surely I would be dead!

I made it all the way through the class, keeping pace with her to the end. I burned 743 calories according to my trusty heart rate monitor. I just checked the Weight Watchers web site and 90 minutes of spinning is 11 Activity Points! I feel a little weak and light headed, but I think I sweated any poison out of my system that was leftover from last night's little drinking binge. I don't do that very often, but I can sure feel the after effects a lot more now that I'm older.

Now if I can just keep my eating in check today, tomorrow's weighin might be okay.

Speaking of eating, my husband had made a batch of No-Pudge brownies while I was at the gym. The box has been in the pantry, hidden in the back, for over a year. He found it. I told him you were only suppose to make one serving at a time, like it says on the box. I was going to do that, some day, when I was feeling strong enough to eat just one. The box makes 12 servings. I may have to kill him. Seriously, brownies, in my house? Doesn't he know me better than that?

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