Selasa, 26 Mei 2009

Home from the ER or it sucks to be me

My good arm, that has an IV connector in it for the next three days.

My bad arm in a splint so I don't move it.

The cool mummy cotton stuff.
It would make a great Halloween costume
by wrapping your entire body in this stuff.

The dotted line was the infection yesterday, the solid line is today
This morning I spent three hours at the clinic waiting to see a doctor for my follow-up visit. No appointments were available, they had to "squeeze" me in. I was on my way to work.

The doctor looked at my arm and told me to immediately go to the emergency room.

I spent three hours in ER.

They took two x-rays to look for a tooth chip or a pocket of cat saliva. No foreign objects in my arm.

They hooked me up to an antibiotic IV drip, with two more scheduled Wednesday and Thursday. It wasn't too bad. I was wrapped up in warmed blankets and watched I Love Lucy reruns and Jerry Springer.

A temporary IV connector was inserted into my good arm so they can use it the next two days.

A splint was put on my arm so I don't move it too much.

I was advised no exercise for next two days which will make a full week of no exercise for me.

It sucks to be me these days.

Walter is fine. He's still alive (lucky cat), happy and healthy. I still feed him and pet him, except I'm not into cuddling and won't let him lay on the bed next to me. I'm not ready for that kind of closeness.

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