Rabu, 27 Mei 2009

The hunger

Not exercising and sitting around on my butt makes me freaking hungry!

I'm at an insane level of hunger today. I know it's because I'm bored, and I haven't worked out for five days. That's a record for me in the last fifteen months. For someone that works out six or seven days a week, this is really a tiny bit of hell.

Unfortunately, I found a cure for the nauseousness from the antibiotics. It's simple. I should have read labels on the medicine bottles at the beginning. The cure: food. Why couldn't it be not eating food?

The sun is shining, and I can't take another re-run of Roseanne on the Oxygen channel. Stupid, boring daytime TV. I'm going to wrap my catheter with an ace bandage and hit the trail on my bike.

I weighed this morning. Not good. 160.8 A number that makes bells go off in my head. I promised myself I'd never go above 160 again. NEVER. So I have to cut the eating and get moving again.

My plan after the bike ride, go back to the ER for another dose of IV antibiotics, then see a movie. I'm going to see The Haunting in Connecticut. My husband will see almost any movie with me, including chick flicks, but he puts his foot down when it comes to cheesy, paranormal stuff, which I love. This one is based on a "true" story.

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