Selasa, 19 Mei 2009

The motivation and a message to my fat girl

The motivation
It's funny how someones weight loss success can really motivate me. Seeing Carlos lose 14.6 pounds this past week was a huge motivator. I've been following his blog from the beginning, and I've seen him have weeks where he stumbled and fell, then weeks when he rocked it. Last week, he knocked it out of the park.

I know how hard this is for Carlos. He has food issues, much the same as I do, the same as many of the people reading this. Yet I have no doubt with his determination he's going to succeed. His new, "I give a damn" attitude is what's going to keep him on track and get him to the finish line.

His seven-day commitment made me wonder what I could do if I really gave a damn over a seven-day period. I'm still hanging right around 156, up and down a couple pounds. I know why. It's because I'm not participating in this 100%. I'm doing a half-assed job, and this is a job. The working out, the eating within my Points, the journaling, it's all just another job.

I'm making a 7-day commitment, starting Wednesday, May 20 and ending next Wednesday, May 27 to give this my full attention, like I did week after week in the beginning. I've got the exercise part down perfectly, it's my eating that needs work. What if I actually journaled and sayed within my Points, for a whole week? I wonder what would happen. I bet I might actually lose some weight. I'm going to give it 100% for one solid week and see what kind of results I get.

The message
Here's the message to the fat girl that still lives inside of me. It's also my new, most favorite workout song, it had me literally running on the StairMaster this morning at level 8, sweating like a whore in church (my Mormon coworker's favorite phrase as of late - go figure).

Goodbye by Kartina DeBarge

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