Senin, 15 Juni 2009


Thank God it's Monday.

That has to go down as one of my worst weekends ever. Cleaning, fighting with my husband, a refrigerator that's still broken, binge eating at midnight two nights in a row (healthy crap, but a binge is a binge), and this morning I'm beat, on so many levels.

I'm planning a get away for us for next weekend. I'm not sure where, but it'll involve a hotel. Our marriage is in trouble and this weekend just proved it. The bickering, the name calling, the arguing over trivial shit. The refrigerator...really? Is that worth screaming at each other?

Worst workout ever this morning. I worked out last night at 5pm, 50 minutes cardio and 45 minutes strength. Really good workout, but I didn't finish until almost 7pm. This morning at 5am I could barely drag my butt out of bed. Less than 12 hours between workouts is a very bad thing. I got to the gym and had zero energy. 10 minutes elliptical, 20 minutes StairMaster and I said to hell with it and came home. My body wasn't cooperating so I just gave up. I'm sure tomorrow will be better, I just need to rest.

Okay, I've figured out that what I'm doing with food is NOT working for me. Every day I start off with the intention to eat only 19 Points, my baseline for my weight of 157 (today). I might allow myself five of the weeklies, and maybe a few APs, but I feel guilty if I eat those extra Points so I try to stick to the 19. You know what, that is not enough food for me. I know this because at around midnight or 1am I wake up famished, so hungry I can't go back to sleep. Then I sleep walk to the kitchen and find something to eat so I can go back to sleep.

My new plan is to start off the day with 19 + 5 + APs (today only 2) = 26. I have 26 Points to play with today and if I walk at lunch I get 4 more, so possibly 30 Points today. I'm eating every single one of them before I go to bed.

Here's to a better week than my weekend.

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