Senin, 15 Juni 2009

Day 166 - Chocolate

I just weighed myself and I am only 1.5 pounds away from the 150's!! That is so exciting because I haven't seen that number on the scale for over 7 years when I was on Weight Watchers. It is so exciting to be able to be doing this on my own, without relying on any sort of program! I have never lost more than a couple of pounds on my own before, never. So this is all a first for me.

With the excitement over the weighing tonight, it's also bittersweet. And when I mean bittersweet, I mean bittersweet chocolate!! I just can't have chocolate in the house. I can only be strong for so long and then I eat it. Not nearly as much or as often as before, but more than I would like. A few days ago I got the chips to make cookies with Abby as a special activity. Who am I kidding? We never made the cookies and I busted the bag open when I was craving something sweet. I have learned that if it's not in the house, I am not going to eat it. Simple as that! It will probably be something I struggle with forever...chocolate runs in my veins!

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