Minggu, 14 Juni 2009


If you read my boring cleaning the fridge post yesterday you'll understand why I was more than a little annoyed when I got up this morning to a refrigerator with a temperature of 60 degrees. Are you kidding me?!

This is my reward for finally cleaning. Now we have a $2500 metal box in our kitchen that's nothing more than a little freezer with a cabinet attached to it. I'm so freaking mad right now.

To make matters worse, my husband told me it was because there was too much stuff in the freezer which has probably stopped the airflow to the fridge part. Wtf is a freezer for anyway, isn't it to put frozen stuff in it? I didn't see any instructions that said there was a limitation to the amount of stuff. I thought if it fit, then it was good.

So now I just spent my morning cleaning out the freezer. Goddamnit to hell anyway. Not how I wanted to spend my Sunday. As he watched me put bag after bag of freezer-burned fruit and vegetables, along with two Costco sized bags of shrimp down the garbage disposal, I got a lecture about how I buy too much food. He said "if you're not going to eat it, then you shouldn't buy it". At that moment I actually wanted to physically hit him. I didn't. Instead I told him if he valued his life he'd get out of the kitchen, better yet, out of the house. He's out working on the yard.

I'm probably irritable because a.) I'm hungry, starving hungry b.) I was up until 3 a.m. putting my closet back together and in the middle of that decided to clean out my bookcases---and you thought your life was boring. c.) I'm fucking bored with cleaning. I'm not a maid, although I pretend to be one in my real life.

I'm going to the gym now. Maybe I can shake this foul mood I'm in, but then again, maybe not. As long as I'm not eating, I guess it's all good.

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