Kamis, 09 Juli 2009

Feeling the pull of the Dark Side

I'm writing to reassure myself again. Today I feel like I have blown it. I feel like its not worth carrying on with dieting today and should just give in to temptation and scoff whatever I fancy.


Because I have eaten about 35 Hot Tamales - about 11 syns, and therefore have blown today's syn value.

BUT I also have not had ANYTHING else. I know this is crazy but I have just been sitting all day working at the computer nibbling Hot Tamales and thinking how crap I feel and I haven't actually been hungry until right now.

I have probably ingested no more than 300 cals for the whole day so far so I should really get upset right?

The calorie thing and the slimmingworld thing are what mess me up. Because I have a band, slimmingworld has to be a little bit adjusted anyways, and when I do have random days like this I HAVE to remember that if I am only eating Sweets, but the calories are low, then I haven't busted the diet at all. If I was just a regular un-banded person then would have a problem because I would be eating sweets on top of the other stuff and then that would definitely mean I had messed up.

At the end of the day, If i eat less calories than I expend, it doesn't matter where those calories come from, just how many there are.

If I eat 1000 cals today and its made up of Hot Tamales and full fat rootbeer, and tomorrow I eat 1000 calories made up of meat, salad, egg, pasta etc... its STILL ONLY 1000 cals right?

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