Kamis, 09 Juli 2009

Still standing

After going to bed at 1 a.m I was up at 5 a.m. and at the gym by 5:30 a.m. I read my post from last night/this morning. I need some cheese with that whine. I guess I don't do well after 15 hours at work.

My workout this morning was great, which surprised me. I got a lecture from my husband about burning the candle at both ends. I know it's not healthy but sometimes it's not really a choice.

The guy friend at the gym acted weird this morning. He said hi, but kept walking. I guess being married makes me off limits to talk to. It was a little awkward but I understand. At least I can focus on my workout and not worry about him talking to me. Although he was really sweet and very complimentary to me, which is probably why I never mentioned I was married. He's also a cutie.

All my really good work friends are guys and we talk about everything. We're all married and it's not weird at all. I guess the date thing is probably what's making it strange. Hopefully we can get past that and talk like friends. Male/female relationships...difficult sometimes.

Tip for the day from The Beck Diet Solution by Judith S. Beck. It's from one of the tear-out cards in the back of the book - you're suppose to read them several times a day and follow the suggestions.

eat mindfully

I need to eat slowly and mindfully while sitting down--EVERY SINGLE TIME.

Funny for the day:

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