Selasa, 07 Juli 2009

No iPod, no workout?

Nada. You know me better than that. When I realized I'd left my iPod at work I almost started to cry. I can't workout without my music. I've tried it before and it was a disaster. I own three iPods but the two I have at home had dead batteries (note to self, keep an extra iPod loaded with current music and charged).

What to do? No music, no way was I going to the gym. Then I ride! I've never ridden my bike at 5:30am. It was the best bike ride I've ever done. I added some miles to the end to make it an even 12 miles. Lots of hills, and it took an hour.

I saw a gazillion bunnies, baby bunnies, big bunnies, white-tailed bunnies, brown-tailed bunnies, bunnies chasing each other. Maybe not a gazillion, but I stopped counting at 19. It must be the year of the rabbit because they were everywhere.

I also saw a lady race walking, then about a fourth mile after her was an overweight dog, dragging a leash, going as fast as he could walk, he looked like he was racewalking. He walked right by me so I guess the race walker was his owner, although she was no where in sight as he passed me. Kind of strange.

Then I saw a guy pushing a wheelbarrow with two big boxes strapped together. He could barely see over the boxes. Also weird. The trail doesn't run along a road, it's through the woods and to the mall. I guess that's where he was going with those boxes at 5:30am.

I saw new graffiti on the fence that runs behind the fancy house neighborhood. I bet that really ticks off the people that live there. You can see where they keep painting over it and the graffiti keeps reappearing.

The weird thing about no music while riding my bike was all the sounds I noticed. The birds singing, the wind whipping by my ears, the sprinklers in the park (that are aimed at the sidewalk and not the grass!), the talking crosswalk. I had no idea it talked to me, saying, "Hello! Press the red button to cross the road.", and the squeak in my bike tire as it rotates.

I also looked around a lot more and really took in my surroundings. I guess I get so into my music that I've been missing a lot of stuff. It was kind of cool to just take it all in.

It was also cloudy and colder than a witch's tit this morning. My dad would say that when I was a kid, and my mom would say "Clifford!". We lived near Fairbanks, Alaska so he said that a lot. I forgot about that until this morning.

Breakfast this morning was a green monster shake. I'm not sure I like these. I know it's healthy, but I prefer my muffin/egg/Canadian bacon/cheese sandwich for 6 Points. This was my green monster:

1 cup frozen raspberries - 1
1 medium banana - 2
2 cups spinach - 0
1 WW smoothie mix - 1
2 scoops goat whey - 3
2 cups water

Total of 7 Points. The spinach alone has 110% RDA of vitamin A and 40% vitamin C. The goat whey has 30 grams of digestible protein. The smoothie mix was a dairy. So it's healthy and tastes okay, it just doesn't taste like real food. I prefer to chew my food rather than drink it.

That's all folks, a rambling post with no point. Such is my life.

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