Selasa, 07 Juli 2009

A pound's a pound

Well, this week it was just 1lb off. Bit disappointed with that, but not too bothered. I have had a lot of stuff that was junky this week due to the massive cooking marathon that started Friday and ended Sunday 3pm. I had some of the truffle mixture and some of the finished article, and I had some of the Red Hot Tamales and Big Red gum that mum & dad brought back with them from Oregon for me, also some other bits and bobs that I shouldn't have had really, so really I should be thanking the scales!

The Piano recital went really well. I dont have many photos because I was too busy 'presenting' it all, and the ones DH took are crap.

Anyway folk, just thought I would check in and tell you all's good in the hood.

Felix getting better, Recital went great and we raised over £600 for CLIC Sargent to help children with cancer doing the sponsored Practice-a-thon, The lap-band is being good, no drama's right now thank goodness and no swine flu in the area... yet.

Travelling Buddy's DH plays Gymnopedie No.1. By Eric Satie.

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