Kamis, 01 Oktober 2009

Remembering to smile

Okay, I need an attitude adjustment. I just got up, checked email, wrote a status email for work, then read my last two posts.

I need to get over myself, and for God's sakes, stop writing posts at the end of the day!

Things are a little tough, but seriously, I like the pressure. I'm the project manager on this particular project. If things go well, I look good, if things go bad, I don't look so good. It's been an absolute roller coaster since we got here. One moment, things are going fabulous, the next thing I know it's all going to hell in a hand basket.

The truth, it's interesting, challenging, it makes my brain hurt, it stresses me, but makes me have a feeling of great accomplishment. It hasn't made me cry, not yet. It's a good job, and a great opportunity. In reality, I'm pretty lucky at 54 to have been given a chance at a totally new career path.

So in spite of all my whining and belly aching, it's not a bad gig I have here.

My goal today is to pay more attention to what I'm eating and make sure I make healthy choices. I've been eating fairly healthy until last night. I had pizza and ice cream for dinner, room service. I just didn't care. I care this morning.

I'm going down to the hotel gym in about an hour, before I head to the airport for what I hope is our last day, flying home tonight. We're checking out of the hotel again (like we did yesterday morning and had to recheck in last night). We have high hopes that today will go well.

I just need to remember to smile, laugh and roll with the punches.

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