Minggu, 17 Januari 2010

Successful long term weight loss with acupuncture

acupuncture weight loss
Other methods popular methods of losing weight is acupuncture. These days more and more evidence is found of the benefits of acupuncture. Although the existence of acupuncture itself is still remains controversial among conventional medical researchers and clinicians.

Acupuncture is the practice of inserting thin needles into specific body points to improve health or for therapeutic purposes. In China, the practice of acupuncture can perhaps be traced as far back as the Stone Age, with the Bian shi, or sharpened stones and has been a major part of primary healthcare in China for the last 5000 years.

Acupuncture has been known since a long time and because it could survive the test of time, so I think acupuncture would have great benefits for health. When done correctly of course. I mean, conducted by the experts/ the acupuncture specialist and using a sterile needle.

Now we come to the main issue, what exactly the benefits of acupuncture in terms of lose weight.
Acupuncture needles can easily help you shrink your belly. How? Just stab your belly with acupuncture needles, then your belly will shrink like a leaky balloon.
That’s it, easy right? Oops, just kidding. DON’T DO IT!

Now I am going to tell you the real answer. Basically acupuncture techniques aimed at blood circulation, stimulate metabolism and calming our nervous system. The acupuncture specialist began working with a variety of questions asking about the behavioral and psychological conditions that may cause the patient to be obese. We can't change our appearance without changing the emotional and habits first that caused us to gain weight.

When they're done to examination and the root causes are found, the acupuncture specialist will then insert needles into different spots of the body in order to help improve the body's functioning in a way that will promote weight loss.

The acupuncture specialist will probably use a multi-targeted approach. They may attempt to lower the body's weight by increasing the output of the pituitary gland. Or they may attempt to lower the body's weight by increasing the output of the hormone endorphin if they conclude that the condition of obesity caused by stress. They will try to treat the patients and solving the root causes.

In a study conducted by the University of Adelaide in Australia in 1998, 95 percent of the participants receiving electro-stimulation on acupuncture points reported appetite suppression. The results showed that the participants receiving acupuncture was more likely to experience a reduced appetite and to lose weight than the control group.

The advantage of acupuncture compared with other methods are acupuncture does not cause side effects that are harmful to our bodies. But we have to repeat this treatment regularly in order to maintain the effects.

Finally, for the long term and permanent weight loss, healthy diet and physically active is still needed. The success may be greater when combined with acupuncture.

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