Rabu, 21 April 2010

Day 10/365 - The Power of Perception is Underestimated

It's been 10 days.  I feel like I am back in a solid habit again and it feels GREAT!!

I noticed in the mirror today and I noticed something had changed.  I looked at my self from all sorts of angles and I swear there was a huge difference.  Seriously.  It looked to me like I lost about 10 pounds in my thighs alone.  Could that be possible in only 10 days?

My reflection had changed, I was sure of it.  So I hopped on the scale, there was a little difference in numbers, but nothing to declare yet.  So I looked at myself in the mirror again, and I wasn't repulsed by my reflection in my jeans, I was actually surprised that I was pleased.  What had changed??

In 10 days, my body couldn't have changed that much, it's impossible to have great physical change in such a short period of time.  But 10 days can make a HUGE difference in perception.  After having 10 positive days, my self image is changing.  I am feeling confident, strong and positive.  I have faith that I am going to have an "after" picture sometime this year to be proud of.  The power of perception is certainly underestimated.  Perception is powerful and it can also work in the other direction as well.

When we have a negative perception of ourselves, it works the same way.  We feel inferior, weak and unable to do anything positive.  How can we ever expect to be successful in our weight loss/health efforts, or anything in life, if we are working against ourselves?  We can't.

How is the perception of yourself?   Is it working for you, or against you?

This is what I did today:
Elliptical: 15 min @ level 10 
Hundred Push-up Challenge: Week 2 Day 2 (71 push-ups)

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