Selasa, 20 April 2010

Day 9/365 - Feeling lame but doing it anyway

This is where a goal really helps a lot on one's journey.  I think there may be a bug in the house and I haven't been feeling 100%.  My stomach is off and I feel a little weak.  You know how you feel when you aren't eating or drinking enough?  I know I made a goal, but when you aren't feeling well, you should rest. It's a great excuse (I mean reason) to take a break and then get back to it, right?


Listen to your body in times such as these.  I did't feel good, but I wasn't bed ridden.  I didn't feel strong enough to go all gusto, but I got on my elliptical anyway.  I didn't really have a plan on how long I would go, just thought I would play it by ear.  So I grabbed a book, and got to it.  I got into the book, checked the timer, and it said 15 minutes, so I ended it there. No. More. Excuses.

This is what I did today:
Elliptical: 15 min @ level 10 

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