Senin, 19 April 2010

Day 8/365 - Pictures are certainly deceiving

So I was looking at my blog today and I noticed that my head shot doesn't really show my weight issues, it actually hides them quite nicely.

My toughest weight challenge starts at my belly button and goes down to my knees.  If you would like an idea of what I look like today, just add 5 pounds to that area in the "during" photo on the side.

Although I did my last challenge 40 pounds heavier, it's often harder to get the last bit off and so this time around, I will have some great challenges to blog about I am sure.

Evenings are the best time for be to workout for so many reasons:
  • It's the toughest time of day to stick to my goals, because at the end of the day, I am tired and I start to not care.  
  • I am an evening snacker.  
  • Exercise curbs my appetite and my cravings.  
  • The kids are in bed so I can do it without any distractions.  
Evening time for me is a win all around.

I haven't been sleeping well and I am exhausted right now.  I could crash if I went to bed, but I have a challenge to attend to...

This is what I did today:
Elliptical: 20 min @ level 10 
Hundred Push-up Challenge: Week 2 Day 1 (63 push-ups)

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