Jumat, 16 April 2010

Friday - Getting it into gear! What I learned this week...

This has been a GREAT week when it comes to my exercise routine!!  I've hit every day this week and I feel strong!  Push-ups are a lot easier then they used to be and this time, I am going to meet that challenge and do 100 push-ups in ONE SET.  Yep, I had doubts before, but I am going to think positive this time.  Week 4 seems to be the week where you hit the wall.  I will go into week 4 prepared.

 Last year, I did 365 days in a row and needless to say, it was a habit.  But even good habits can go by the wayside if not nurtured.  This year, I haven't been as regular as I would like to be, I've taken too long of breaks for illness and it's been hard to get that conviction again.  Life gets in the way and it will every time unless we make the conscious decision to work out regularly.  For me, regularly has to be daily because my perfectionist attitude messes with me if I try to be "regularly" exercising.  (I easily turn into a saboteur and my excuses become valid.)  

I have noticed that after a week of my regular routine, it's easier to make it a daily thing.  Much easier than it was last year when I started my 365 day challenge.  So, this week I have learned that when you create a solid habit, if something comes up in life and you loose the habit, it's easier to find it again the 2nd time around.  Create that solid habit now, so it will stick with you even through the times when life gets in the way.

This is what I did today:
Elliptical: 15 min @ level 15 
Hundred Push-up Challenge: Level 1 Day 3 (58 push-ups)

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