Minggu, 18 April 2010

Sunday - THIS.IS.IT.

This is the day.  The day I am laying it all out.  The day that I am making the commitment to:


  • I am going to be open and share what I am doing/eating/learning.  
  • I am also going to get the "after" picture that I have been promising.
  • I am feeling strong, positive and pretty much ticked that I haven't done this already.  
  • No amount of stress or illness is going to get in my way.  
  • This.is.going.to.happen!!
For those who have been following me, you know that I did this goal last year and that I succeeded in working out for 365 days in a row.  I lost 40 pounds in the process by exercising daily and eating real food in smaller portions. Last year though, I only started to blog about it mid-way through, after most the big challenges of getting started had passed.

After my goal was met, I found that I slowly slipped back into the behavior that I had prior to the goal. (Didn't help that it was the holidays) Excuses aside, I am human, with human tendencies, habits and behaviors. 

Even this time around, I wasn't quite sure I could make the commitment and that is why I am making this commitment on day 7 and not day 1, I had to prove it to myself first.

I originally wanted to take Sundays off, but that just doesn't work with my perfectionist personality right now.  I will try to do something different on Sundays, but I may have to work up to that.

I welcome you to follow me on this journey of mine.

This is what I did today:
Elliptical: 15 min @ level 10 

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