Minggu, 17 Mei 2009

Hell Hatha Hot Yoga

King Dancer Pose - Natarajasana (which I can totally do without falling over!)

I'm sure if there's exercise in hell, it's Hatha Hot Yoga. OMG! I seriously thought I was going to die or throw up or pass out or all three. It was HOT! They said 110 degrees, but the place was packed with people (at least 80), so I'm sure it was even hotter. The humidity was set at 60%.

Did I like it? Um, actually, I would have to say no, I kind of hated it. It was so hot I could barely breath. I've never perspired that much in my entire life. It made a spinning class look like a walk in the park. It was basically 90 minutes of hell.

You're not suppose to talk or leave the room, unless there's an emergency. I had to focus on not saying "fuck" out loud every two minutes as I twisted my body into unnatural and extremely painful positions. I seriously thought about walking out at least ten times. Especially during the last thirty minutes of the ninety minute class. I probably would have left but they have a guy guarding the exit. I saw one girl try to leave and he talked her into staying.

I've never gone to a yoga class before today. I always thought yoga was for sissies and would be a big waste of my time. If I go to an exercise class it's always a high intensity aerobics class or spinning. Never yoga. Yoga is definitely not for sissies. It was probably the most intense and most difficult exercise class I've ever taken.

There were 27 yoga poses, two sets of each. I was surprised I could do all the poses, I'm a lot more flexible than I thought. There was one pose that made me dizzy and want to throw up. I think it was called the Frog, you sit on your knees, legs under you, arms straight out front, and drop your head back until you're looking at the wall behind you. Then you grab your heels (part of your towel is over your feet so you can grip them better). You pull yourself back even further while holding on to your heels. I was able to do it the first time, but I seriously didn't feel well afterwards. I just sat there for the second time. I felt like I was going to pass out and the room was spinning. The instructor saw me not moving and said it's very common for people to get dizzy and nauseous in this pose. Ha! No kidding.

I have nine more sessions so I'll probably go for those nine session. I'm not sure this is something I want to keep doing for a lifetime. I honestly don't know why it's so popular. The heat is very uncomfortable, in fact, to me it was unbearable. It didn't feel relaxing to me, just miserable. Like I was suffocating. While the poses were doable for me, they hurt. My butt is already sore and it's only been a couple hours.

If you do hot yoga, please tell me, what is there to like? Am I missing something? Why do you enjoy it? Or maybe you don't really enjoy it but do it because it's suppose to be good for you? Kind of like how I do the StairMaster and the elliptical at the gym. Whatever it is that makes so many people do hot yoga, I'm just not feeling it.

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