Minggu, 21 Maret 2010

Lifestyle-related Chronic Diseases

"Of the one trillion dollars America spends annually on health care, the CDC estimates that 70% of that is spent on lifestyle-related chronic diseases, such as obesity, diabetes, and heart disease.  A surprising number of people accept all this as a normal part of life, believing that some of us are just fortunate to have "good genes" and the rest must cross their fingers against bad luck...The story is sad, but the good news is that your destiny for the most part is in your hands."  -  Mark Sisson

While working on my degree, I read this over and over, and it's true!  Most of the health issues we see today, are related to our lifestyles.  If we can change our lifestyles, these diseases won't be so prevalent.  According to the above statistic, Americans are digging their graves one spoonful at a time.  Are you?

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